SociallyGood is a community event presented by Leadership Broward Foundation and it’s open to everyone! Each month Socially Good will feature a nonprofit partner who will receive 100% of the proceeds from all SociallyGood guest fees collected from that evening. This month we present Broward House as our partner non-profit. Plan to be at the next SociallyGood on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.
Broward House is a not for profit social services organization with nearly 30 years of providing services for our community impacted by HIV and other chronic health challenges.
“What does a client of Broward House looks like”, an individual who desires and deserves to know they are worthy of respect and dignity. Someone who is impacted by a disease that affects every aspect of their being: emotional, spiritual, mental and physical, who should have ease of access to the care essential for healing. We cannot provide a single picture to describe who we serve. For that picture you must look in the mirror, at your neighbor, at the person walking down the street and the clerk behind the counter assisting you. We serve every age, every race, every gender, every sexual orientation, every education level – HIV/AIDS is everywhere and so is Broward House.
The continued broad impact of HIV/AIDS challenges us to continue to broaden our services in both mainstream and unique ways.